Congratulations if you have just made the decision to pursue purchasing your next home. There is a great amount of information available and home buyers are better educated about the real estate market than ever before. However, more information generates more questions. Many people looking to find out about homes that are available for sale search the web and check major real estate websites to start. Some simply search "homes for sale in the area they wish to focus on". Most major real estate sites such as, Zillow and Trulia download information from Realtor operated MLS (Multiple Listing Service) websites. We recommend that you go right to the source and utilize either our MLS site which is or if you go to a brokerage website like our own, you will see our listing and a direct link into the NNEREN site. This will give you access to the most current information about most homes in Montpelier, Barre, Waterbury and surrounding communities in Washington and Orange Counties.
Now that you have current information about homes you wish to see, many people out in the hunt for their new home seem to call whichever sales person who has each property that they wish to see. In the end, these potential purchasers seem to bounce between a number of different real estate agents. Using this approach it is likely that none of these agents is working for the purchaser.
We think that the best way for you as a potential purchaser to approach this project is to meet with several licensed real estate salespeople or brokers who are active in the area where you wish to live. Then select an agent as the person that you trust to become educated with your list of "wants" and "needs" as well as your personal financial situation. This person will be in the best position to assist you to find and then purchase the home that you are dreaming of.
Once you select a Realtor to assist you, you will want discuss about how this relationship will work. You have choices about how you structure your business relationship with your Buyer Agent and you should discuss these options as you begin. Please give us a call to talk this over.