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Montpelier Caravan--Our Picks

Today was the Montpelier Realtors' Caravan. It's a great chance to highlight the new listings in Montpelier. Selfishly, it's an opportunity for Realtors to preview the new listings, so that we can deepen our market knowledge.

Today's caravan featured five new listings...and four of them were those of Heney Realtors. are the picks:

15 North Park: This unassuming 1991 house surprised the crowd with its high end touches. Quartz countertop, tile floors, corain bathroom vanities, and a custom fireplace. Just plain beautiful. There's a direct entry two car garage, and the fenced yard backs right up to Hubbard Park. At $289,000, we were impressed.


295 Pine Hill Road--East Montpelier.  Built in 2004, this house has the layout that today's buyers want. Big, open rooms, nice natural light, and an efficient heating system. It's at the end of a cul de sac, and close to U32 high school, Montpelier, and Barre. Great location. Solid house. And hence, a top pick.

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