The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Property taxes are not the most exciting topic. It's not really even a topic that most people like to talk about, but it is part of life. With the publication of the 2011 tax bills, we've seen a couple of interesting developments in our area:
1. Montpelier's property tax rate actually went down in 2011-2012 from the 2010-2010 fiscal year. If there is an explanation, we don't have it on hand, but we only know this to be unusual. In fact, we can't remember the last time this happened.
2. The second big development is that Berlin's non-residential property tax rate was lower the residential rate. This is a rarity. The non-residential tax rate in Berlin for this fiscal year is 1.7401% and the residential rate is 1.7638%.
A Word to the Wise
Remember that if you bought property, you're responsible for paying the property tax bills, even if you don't get a bill in the mail. If you haven't received the bill, it's a good idea to head down to the Town Clerk and get a copy. The penalties aren't fun.
Until next time, I'm off in search of a more dazzling subject.