Investment Properties Downtown
Once upon a time, owning and living in a multi-family was the way to build net worth, equity, save for retirement, and still get to live in a great neighborhood. Actually, that still holds true today.
Right now, there are several gorgeous rental properties on the market in Montpelier. There's a mint condition three unit on Loomis Street near Union Elementary -- more accurately, located across the street. People call the office daily looking for a place to live within walking distance of downtown. Today, I'm .
1 First Avenue has a lovely first floor three-bedroom unit and a detached garage. Up the street, find a two-bedroom house that shares a wall witht he original three-unit building. The latter would be perfect for an owner-occupant, since there's that much more separation.
If you're a little handy, there's a great two unit on 5 Liberty Street as well. The second floor unit is in good condition, and shows what the rest of the building could look like. The second unit is on the 2nd and 3rd floor. Owners, take your pick. Live in one, work on one, or just rent it out.